Saturday, February 04, 2006


Originally uploaded by mtnester.
Here is my darling kindergarten class in their Seahawk headbands. Look at the second little boy from the left, front row. Very hawk-like, isn't he?

Laura Unveiling the bottles

Laura Unveiling the bottles
Originally uploaded by mtnester.
Here's Laura reading the comments we wrote about the wines we tasted. January was a Petite Sirah tasting. Fluer 2003 from California was the favorite of the group.
Ironically there were only three wines represented out of six bottles. That made
for some funny reactions at the unveiling!

Snow Pig

Snow Pig
Originally uploaded by mtnester.
I cross country skied at Iron Horse State Park. It is nice and flat and the trail goes along a lake. It is just my speed. I had to ski about 3 miles from the parking lot before it was truly tranquil. This cute pig is someone else's creation that I saw along the trail.

the Summit at Snoqualmie 1-2006

the Summit at Snoqualmie 1-2006
Originally uploaded by mtnester.
As you can see, the snow was lovely but it was just as gray as it was in Seattle.
This was Jan. 22nd I believe. They turned the lights on at Snoqualmie Central at 2:30 because it was so foggy.

Our Tree 2005

Our Tree 2005
Originally uploaded by mtnester.
It was by far the most expensive tree we've ever bought but it sure was lovely and it held it's needles for 3 whole weeks. I took it down in bits and pieces during the first week of January. I was sad to see it go. I bought new candles for the mantle to try and replace some of the warmth/light that the tree gave to the room.