Saturday, September 24, 2005

Chips Unloading

Chips Unloading
Originally uploaded by mtnester.
We kept the chips from all 3 trees. They had said it would probably be 4 yards.
Well, they underestimated; there must be nearly 6 yards and it is all on a big blue tarp that I spread in our parking pad in front of the house. We have it pared down to about half now, spreading them along the fence line, under the apple tree in the southwest corner, around the snag created from the cherry tree, under the deodor cedar, next to the driveway, around the bamboo and everywhere we can think of, wondering if we will see the end of the heap before Christmas.

1 comment:

Tanya Mau-Halsall said...

Looks like a big project! I have yet to conquer my yard (more like the side of the mountain)! You're welcome anytime to lend a hand :)!