Sunday, March 09, 2008

Today's Garden

The rhubarb is up!

The new green of euphorbia stands out against the rockery.

This bee does a drunken bumble as he drags his heavy pollen sacks from floret to floret.


Aiyana said...

We grow a similar Euphorbia--but our is Blue Euphorbia or commonly called Gopher plant. They always look so wonderful in spring, then by summer, they are just awful. Do yours last all summer?
Happy GTS,

Sarah said...

Great pictures. Isn't it exciting to see things sprouting? I was so happy to see my garlic sprouting, and the bulbs in my perennial garden.

Diana said...

Don't you just love the crinkly little new born rhubarb leaves?

Anonymous said...

Our rhubarb is still under a lot of snow. Gene & Steve went up north Wed. & couldn't drive in yet. He's getting to old to walk in that deep snow. Got up in the 50's today so lot of water running. Catch you later. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! The GodMother