Sunday, September 19, 2010

More Rain

Good thing I did my yard work yesterday. Today was a perfect day for baking in my new Frigidaire Gallery oven. I made Zucchini Banana Tea Bread. By time I got the batter put together it was time for me to dash off to church so I used the 'time bake' feature and it worked perfectly. It is so nice to walk into a kitchen on a rainy day and smell something sweet coming from the oven. This afternoon I think I will roast a chicken. I thought I would miss my vintage electric range but apparently not. I am having fun relearning about cooking with gas. There me be a few sun breaks today but even so I had better stick inside and get my class assessment data organized and there is laundry to fold and dusting which is endless. But maybe I will let the dust sit and read a 30 or 40 pages in Freedom.


Anonymous said...

Looking at this I THINK I NEED A NEW OVEN!!!

That is not what dad says!


Anonymous said...

Wow, love the new oven! I wouldn't dare post a pic of my near vintage oven, it's dirty, lol. I do use the timed feature on mine, it's nice! Sounds like a relaxing day to me. Kind of like we are having today, lots of rain!!!!! Lisa

AnnaRae said...

Yum yum! Can't wait to go home and back my own goodies in that thing!

Teresa said...

AR, I do believe you meant BAKE. As long as we get to eat the 'goodies' you can use the oven!

Rosemary said...

What a fabulous looking range. How very nice to walk into a home smelling of any kind of baking. Rainy here too for way too many days for me.