Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mystery Daughter

I envy all the blogging mothers with children still 'in the nest'. Kids always give you great writing material but then again the time to actually do the writing is at a premium. I DO have a daughter and she is the light of my life, the apple of my eye, the moon and the stars, and if I were more versed in glowing analogies the list would go on and on. She is a first year student at the University of Chicago doing her scholarly best to absorb all the knowledge she can from this lofty institution. Between the papers for French Writing, Sociology, and Contemporary Drama, she manages to enjoy herself playing Ultimate Frisbee. And now we are hear an occasional word about a boyfriend. Our girl is quite particular and to have her use the label 'boyfriend' to describe this young man to us; what a surprise! But then again, not; we knew all along what a treasure she is.

1 comment:

Donna Boucher said...

Too cute!
She must be very smart to attend U of C!
My daughter will be in Chicago at Moody in the Fall of 2008.

I won't be an empty nester for a while tho.
God decided to bless us with another little girl...ten years after her sister.

My Katie will be home for at least ten more years :o)

I will be nearly 60 by then :o)

God knew I had no interest in an empty nest :o)