Saturday, October 22, 2011

Viadoom Dreariness

The rain is pitter pattering outside my windowMy plan was to go walk on the viaduct and take photos from that venerable mid-century highway construction which has contributed to so many breathtaking views of Seattle's waterfront and the distant Olympics. I am waffling, it is pouring now. Demolition started last night. I will miss it but unlike many, it won't put a crimp in my commute.  My world is West Seattle. 

Fall changes are more rapid now. Here are some shots of the backyard, taken yesterday:

 This is a tree that grew as a 'sucker' from a dead tree we had cut down YEARS ago. A neighbor who has since passed away, called it a California Palm. It has thorns on it's trunk and on the underside of the palm-like leaves. The wood is rather soft, almost mealy. At one point, the tree that preceded this one, had a chickadee nesting in a cavity in the trunk. It was fun to watch as it was so close to our deck. Right now, this young tree does it's job of adding shade to my fern garden.   

 The blush of orange over yellow reminds me of peaches.

 The sumac is eye catching and it is complimented by the yellow of the mid-winter fire dogwood. It looks so good you would think I planned it that way! (;

P.S. I did end up going on the viaduct walk! My photos can be seen on my Flickr account. Click here It felt good to be part of Seattle's history.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Teresa Love all the fall colors rain or not