Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I've surrendered...

to the heavy stuff; amoxycilin and cough syrup with codeine. Today I finally gave in and went to the Dr. filled my two prescriptions and stopped at Full Tilt for ice cream which is the only thing that feels good on my throat. It was tough to decide but I chose a small bowl of Toasted Coconut and Jameson Caramel (that's Jameson as in whiskey, which is said to be good for a cold, right?) The Dr. thinks I have a bacterial infection. I have not had to take antibiotics in a LONG, LONG time. When he said amoxycilin I was thinking 'bottle of pink liquid' which I gave to my daughter for ear infections as a baby. Boy but was I disappointed when I saw this bottle of 'horse pills' that I have to take twice a day. Those, along with water, not whiskey, should do the trick.
In addition to getting a possible 'cure' I was lucky enough to miss a staff meeting. A messy staff meeting at that; the one where we set budget priorities. That Washington education budget shortfall that we read about in the news, the $8B one? It's hitting home. Seattle School District has a shortage of about $25 million.
I am sure I will post more about the changes that means for me and my Sanislo
colleagues once our budget is finalized. It ain't gonna be pretty!


Barbara said...

Well I am glad you now have the right stuff to hit that cold "head on."
NO Pun intended;)
The budget cut thing is a bummer! As a Charter school we are looking pretty solid so far...we are building a new school for next year and class size of 20 for K, and 24 for up to 6th is written into our charter soooo we are hoping that a lot of Public kids will be knocking at our doors.
Now...go to bed and get better, SPRING is on it's way!!

Mrs4444 said...

Sorry you're so sick!

I cannot imagine ever being cut from my job (no one would want it, seriously.) I think I have job security. That said, we have to cut $600,000 this year....

Anonymous said...

Sure hope the WHISKEY works, ha! I am allergic to codeine (the only thing that I am to)so that wouldn't work for me. Take care! "Hi" to Chris and I hope his cold is ALL gone.


Anonymous said...

Glad you went to the Dr. sounds like you will be better soon:) The ice cream thing always seems to help too! Take care and rest up! Lisa

Teresa said...

Ah, Barb, $600,000 is such a quaint number. With 26 years of seniority I am not worried about my own position, only those of my young colleagues.

Jocelyn said...

I was so glad to see your comment--and, nope, since Diana of Piffle cut out of blogging, I've not heard from her, and she's one I miss dearly.

I hope soon you can miss those horse pills (not dearly, though). Ick. When I was in college, my motto was "drink it out," which mostly worked. Now I'm too old to pursue that remedy with the passion it requires, as the hangover's worse than the illness.