Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cock a Doodle Doo!

Cock a Doodle Doo!
Originally uploaded by mtnester.

I didn't get up with the roosters today but I was at the Kornowskes' by 9:15 this morning watching their 'bad boy' roosters sequestered in their mini-pen to prevent them from picking on 'the girls' who have free rein of pecking and scratching everywhere in the yard and pasture. The 'boys' were crowing with all their might as if indignant at their segregated status.

I was back in Kent to run with Lindsey as Joe and Val hiked behind us. We covered six miles of long hills around Lake Youngs. I managed to keep pace (sort of) with the long legged strides of my teen aged running companion. A quiet doe crossed our running path, frog chorus greeted us from trail side bogs, and the smell of skunk cabbage was unmistakable at some points.

As I was having my rural run the DH was on a flight to Port Townsend with our pilot friend, Tom. It was a lovely day of clear skies and temperatures of about 65.

So much is blooming; really too much to mention. Tomorrow I will go to the NW Perennial Alliance Plant Sale. With all the compost spreading I have been doing I have become very aware of my plant inventory and I hope I will be able to exercise some self control in my purchases.


Mrs4444 said...

Good luck! I always seem to miss the Botanical Gardens annual plan sale, not that I would know what to buy...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the self-control. I lost mine yesterday and almost bought out the plant nursery!

Barbara said...

Isn't it a wonderful time of year...everywhere in the country?
Have fun with your plant buying...and then planting.
I am counting down the days(29 until the end of school) as we have so much packing to do with our move next year to the new school...hope my summer isn't consumed with school stuff...eeeeK!!! You know how that can be....
Fondly, B.

Lynn said...

Your day sounded very much what weekends are intended! The run sounds great; exercise and nature!

Lisa said...

I love the roosters. Maybe next time you can get me a picture of them for my kitchen?

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous, would love to be running/walking in that area.
Sounds like a wonderful day.