Friday, December 31, 2004

Our New French Friends; Monique and Gerrard

In an unusual twist of events, Monique, the choir director for Anna Rae's gospel choir in France, came to Vashon Island for a 3 day visit with relatives. Meeting them was a better gift than anything I could've pulled out of the box of gifts that they delivered for Anna Rae. Although the scarf she gave me looks pretty nice as it is draped over my shoulder in this picture. Al Eggleston is their daughter in law's father. This picture was taken in his wonderful, homey farmhouse which has a sweeping view of the sound. We talked about politcs (we're on the same page here), language acquisition, and
of course about Anna Rae.

1 comment:

Tanya Mau-Halsall said...

That is soooo great to be able to connect with them! Wow, that must have been neat to be able to meet her choir director and bring a little of Anna Rae home during the holidays!