Thursday, December 28, 2017

"To Make a Long Story Short" (2017)

The proprietor of our B+B uses the phrase "to make a long story short" liberally. Honestly, I don't think she knows the meaning of the phrase. But she is an interesting American woman married to a Mexican man and she has a wealth of information about Merida and Mexican culture. She and her husband moved here after 911 to get out of New York and to help his aging mother and grandmother. The B+B is a complete rebuild on the property that was his ancestral home. What a lovely place it is! The breakfasts are BIG and so tasty too. In the morning we took a long walk to the center of town to get reacquainted with the Merida. In the afternoon we lounged poolside and read, dipping into it's cool  water every now and then. This evening dinner was Italian once again. This time at La Dadalaumpa. Dessert tonight was a gelato at Polas. Since we shared our dinner entre we felt we deserved dessert!

 Our room and the refreshing and deep pool at Las Cascadas.

Church in the square in the Santiago neighborhood. Santiago is the oldest neighborhood in Merida and the streets are incredibly narrow.

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